
The Student Style Guide

Has your student loan just come into the bank and you saw it for about three seconds before it disappeared? You look at your bank balance now and a two digit number just isn’t as appealing as a four digit number. And then you worry about what you’re actually going to wear on Saturday night. But don’t worry girls, I have your student style guide here, the ultimate fashion guide that suits your student budget.

Step 1: Sit there and panic. We’re all guilty of it. “What if I see my ex-boyfriend out? What if I see the guy I like?”

Step 2: Now that’s over, go over to your wardrobe and frantically sprawl all your clothes over the bed. Don’t necessarily go for something that you’re always caught in. Mix it up a little! (You’ll soon discover your past love affairs with those shorts you bought and wore once or that dress that’s sat in the back of the wardrobe collecting dust).

Step 3: Don’t be afraid of past fashion trends, we all know that a style never stays around forever. Most trends are coming back into fashion now anyway so you’ll never be out of style!

Step 4: There’s never anything wrong with wearing a pair of shorts or a skirt to town. I feel like we’ve kind of lost faith in the skirt but with a cracking pair of heels and a gorgeous top tucked in or out, you will never go wrong! (We’re saving money so far!)

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