
Why self-help books may get you through university

Self-help books are useful in many different ways. Self-help books can save your relationship, teach you how to be a more organised individual, save your relationship or help you get overcome something deep in your past. But, self help books don’t have to be so ‘deep’ all of the time. Self-help books can enlighten you to become a happier person, encourage you to find a career that will make you happy and fulfilled and/or teach you another person’s perspective. They can also help you to refocus, gain control and set some little goals that get you back on track when you are feeling overwhelmed with life.

I mean other than educating yourself to enable you to get a good paying job, why else would someone want to go to university (other than the partying)? One thing I learned at university was not only how to do a kick arse keg stand, but also I learned to view the world from a different perspective. I studied under some really cool, yet major educated professors. Professor Koff not only taught me how to sing R-E-S-P-E-C-T with a tambourine in my hand, but also how to look deep within myself to search for the answers that I was seeking. He studied at Yale- in the 60’s… oh yea!

Often in this day and age students are busy working and going to school. We are on such a fast track. Graduate high school, go to university, graduate, and work. When you’re a student you don’t have a lot of time or money to waste. And, if you wanted to speak to someone about issues such as ways to manage stress, depression or career advice it often costs more than £80 a pop.

Self-help books can be an affordable way to help you get through the tough times. There are so many self-help books out there in topics such as sexual health, abuse, depression, happiness, career advice and much more. And, if you are a student and on the go you can easily download an ebook to your Kindle.

Have you ever read a self -help book? And, if so at what age did you read your first one?

There are many books out there such as ‘What colour is your parachute?’ to help you with what to do when you’re at a stand still in your career from ‘Beyond the Blues: Teenage Depression.’

Whatever your goal for enlightment be don’t be closed off to counsellors, psychologist or self-help books. Try to keep an open mind. Just like someone gets a physical illness sometimes people get mental illnesses. Some are chronic and some pass. Everyone is different.

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