
On Getting Rid of the Junk that takes up space in your life

As we make headway into the New Year, all over the world we are starting to think about the things that we can do to change our lives for the better over the next 12 months and beyond. Although we are now a couple of weeks into 2021, it’s not too late to start thinking about the things that we want to change this year. 

The previous year put a hold on many of our dreams, goals and ambitions, which may have made goal setting for the year ahead seem almost impossible. Or, on the other hand you may feel the added pressure of making 2021 your best year ever.  Many people’s new year’s resolutions involve either giving up something indefinitely (only to be taken up a few days later) or swearing that you will change your habits for the rest of your life, by starting your new diet or fitness routine (only to be given up sooner than that)

What if, instead of all of that,  we would give up only what is bad for us, and take up only the things that are good? 2021 is the year to eliminate all of the things that are taking up too much negative space in our lives to make room for better, more positive things.

Here are some of the things you can do to radicalise your next year without signing up to anything at all, or forcing yourself to drink green gunk every morning.


Reduce Your Spending 

Now that we have spent several months  bored at home we find it easy to fill our days and evenings doing a little retail therapy. Online and app shopping makes it so much easier to spend extra money. While it does give us a temporary fix that makes us feel better for a short while.The money that we spend soon adds up overtime.

Shopping online makes it a lot harder to keep a track of how much money we are spending, and how much we have in our bank accounts. That’s not to say that a little bit of online shopping is harmful. However, when it becomes an addiction, and you’re spending money that does not belong to you, leaving you a debt, that is when it becomes an issue. 

If you find yourself no longer able to afford the basics in life, it is time to seek some help.

 Before it gets to that point, however, you should think about practising the art of mind for spending. A simple way to do this is to not save your car details on your computer. Not having the information there means that you have to actively look for your card in order to purchase anything. Mobile banking can also prevent money being spent on certain websites for over a specific period of time if it becomes an issue not having the information there means that you have to actively look for your card in order to purchase anything. Mobile banking can also prevent money being spent on certain websites for over a specific period of time if it becomes an issue.

Creating a budget and sticking to it will also help you to keep a track on all of us spending to make sure that you are not left too much out of pocket creating a budget and sticking to it will also help you to keep a track on all of the spending to make sure that you are not left too much out of pocket. 



Something else to streamline in your life is the amount of things you have. The more time we will spend in the home, the more we feel as though the walls can start to close in on us. What some of that may lead to feeling trapped, some of it may also be to do with the same amount of online shopping we’ve been doing! Now is as good a time as any to begin to deep clean and declutter your environment.

Take some trash bags and throw out, sell, or donate anything you haven’t used over the past year. Things that no longer spark joy in order to create room for the things that do and will. 

This doesn’t only have to be for your physical environment. It might look like getting rid of the countless duplicate photos on iPhone in order to save space on your phone’s memory. It could look like going through your Facebook friends and Instagram followers  to see which of them has a negative impact on your mood and self-worth. The ‘unfriend’ and ‘unfollow’ button is a great way to streamline your life away from negativity. 


Other people’s expectations 

2021 is an excellent year to get rid of the weight of other people’s expectations for you. A lot of us have spent most of our time in isolation and away from those we love. It is challenging for the most part, however there are some aspects of positivity, too.

Even if they have your best interests at heart, it can be easy to become consumed by other people’s expectations for your life. Even if you don’t have the rest of your life figured out yet, it doesn’t matter! If the previous year has taught us anything, is that life is far too short and precious do you have to worry about what other people think and one for you.  


Anxiety and Stress

Stress and anxiety have to leave in 2021. I’m one of the best ways you can do this is to put far less pressure on yourself. You don’t have to have any clue about what you will do for the rest of the year, the month or even the week. Focus on the day in front of you by setting yourself manageable goals, even if that just looks like making sure you take a shower and drink some water on one of them. 

Let yourself be and feel the things you need to do this year in order to survive–and know that this is more than enough.

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