
The Climate Revolution

“Shop less, kiss more, button up, travel light.”
These are the new instructions given to us by Dame Vivienne Westwood herself in regards to the Climate Revolution, which promises to start saving our planet if people get on board.

We’ve all seen the adverts for energy saving lightbulbs, the banners on the bus saying to recycle plastic bags and bus stop billboards telling you to take the bus or walk instead of driving your car. Up until now, I’ve pretty much ignored them all until I went to Lush the other day and got given a free magazine starring the fashion designer who is pioneering the campaign.

“To join the revolution you need a weapon. Information is the best weapon. Information and the recognition that we are ordinary people, that we all share what it means to be British, what it means to be human. The word ‘kind’ comes from the same root as ‘kin’ and it means to care for someone as much as you do for your family.”

By inspiring her fans, Vivienne Westwood hopes to spread the word about the Climate Revolution in hopes that we can start doing the little things to help the planet from being destroyed. By 2100, there will be a 6-degree rise in global temperatures due to the CO2 emissions that were reported December last year and because of this, it could easily bring the extinction of 95% of species on the planet.

I know, personally, a lot of people who aren’t particularly bothered by the idea that the world is in danger because of our actions. But imagine reading a storybook to your daughter or son in ten or fifteen years time about wildlife. On one of the glossy pages is a scene filled with brightly drawn tigers with their cubs close by, and the following page is a field filled with gazelles and their fawns. The worrying thing isn’t knowing where the habitat of these animals are, but whether they still exist at all by the time people my age have children.

Westwood continues: “We have a choice: Hell or a Future better than the human race has ever known.” Not just the future for generations that already exist, but ones that are yet to be born into this world. The aim of this Revolution to collectively build an opinion from the public to force action on the climate change that we need to begin.

What you can do to join in the Climate Revolution is by entering your name and email address on the front page of the site, ( which will send you regular updates on what you can do to help save the world one step at a time.

It’s not a Superman effort yet, but as Tesco would say: Every Little Helps and the planet is worth saving right?

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