I don’t know about everyone else, but I was not adequately prepared for this summer and its heat. Every window is permanently open, duvets are more than unnecessary and shorts are mandatory. This sort of warmth is unheard of in the recent history of our British Isles. It is with this in mind that myself and my fantastic illustrator/ex-housemate/friend/all round good guy Charlie Higson have devised our 5 best ways to stay cool this summer.
1: Jump in the Sea
You know that huge expanse of water that surrounds us? It turns out that it’s pretty cold. So jump in, no regrets, head first preferably.
If by an unfortunate turn of events you can’t get to the sea, find a cold bath, or a particularly large bucket.
2: Iced Drinks in the Shade
I don’t blame you if swimming sounds too much like exercise, let’s face it, you’re probably sweating out most of your required liquid intake, so it’s time to get a ice box, some friends, a few beverages, find yourselves some shade and don’t move. Really the less you move the better.
3: Water Fight.
You’re never too old for a good water fight. It’ll cool you off and you’ll have a tonne of fun. If you don’t have, or can’t find a water pistol, use the bucket you got from the first suggestion, or an empty fairy liquid bottle. Seriously, it has to be empty. Suds get in your eyes and you’ll slip, feelings and butts are hurt… Really, it has to be empty.
4: Get some Fans. Lots of Fans.
Battery powered, mains powered, even those old fancy ones that noblewomen use to signal if they’re up for a bit of hanky panky. Use as many as these blessed devices as you can, the more air in your face and other warm areas, the better. Also you’ll look like a movie star with your hair constantly blowing in the breeze.
5: Just Move.
Get on a plane and move somewhere cool. I’m thinking Greenland or Switzerland. In fact, what’s the north pole like this time of year?
So hopefully with these suggestions and visual examples overheating in summer shall be a thing of the past!
Also if you enjoyed the illustrations, Charlie runs a weekly comic over at Memecenter under the handle successburger, check him out!