We all love an underdog don’t we! They’ll fight to the death if they have to and possess an overwhelming need and want for something that some believe they can’t or shouldn’t have. Doubters are everywhere but these relentless underdogs have a light that shines in their tunnel, blinding anyone who refuses to jump on their dream train. They are left at the station to board their own form of transportation to wherever; follow them and you’ll be lost in a nightmare, screaming and spending your valuable time trying to wake-up from it.
You may never know how these underdogs are feeling as they do to some degree come across as distant and even moody. Men and women are equal in their quest for the ultimate prize although from my experience women aren’t as understood as men are. Men, described as focused in their endeavours whilst we get lambasted for going off the radar; seeming cold and unfamiliar to anyone used to us being there for them morning, noon and all hours of the night.
If anyone doesn’t get it they need to watch the Rocky films at least once in their life time to understand where we are coming from and why we know there is another place worth going. I’m not saying you extend your fist and stun someone with a killer blow; that will get you nowhere or the nearest cop shop. Practice and jab your way through like Rocky no matter the size of the opponent or obstacle. The one thing that will make them take off their gloves is your tiresome will.
Rocky was lucky in many ways and even though he was fighting his inner demons he found Adrienne who in my opinion nagged him a lot but she was afraid of losing the man she loved so her way of getting through to him is understandable. Mickey, the no-nonsense trainer was his ‘kick ass’ angel in life as in death. Words don’t always have meaning until the person that said them isn’t around anymore and as cutting as Mickey was he was a wise old fella; when Rocky was down all he could hear was, “Get up you son of a bitch Mickey loves ya”!
“So you wanna be a contender”? Well, you will also have to contend with a lot and that includes people who don’t really understand your deep-rooted reasons; those that do will be by your side, have your back and be the comforting cushion when it feels like breaking. Others will come to you when you least expected them to show. So just keep going, keep moving, keep believing and take in the view; giving up is an option that is worse than anything you will go through on this not so solitary journey.