Things have changed in the past few decades, a degree no longer ensures you’ll get a job. These days you’ll find many people who are very qualified working simple jobs, such as stacking shelves in the supermarket and working in retail. While there’s no shame in working any of those jobs, if you’re going to invest thousands of pounds into an education and 3+ years studying, you want to feel relatively confident that you’ll come out the other side with a good job. We’ve compiled a list of the best jobs to study to actually land a job.
Study a Bachelor of Science in Computer Science:
It’s no secret that computers, the Internet and the surrounding technologies are a huge field these days. Studying a computer science degree course is a great way to ensure you have a solid education that will most likely lead on to a very well paying job. Computer scientists are in demands, and you can choose to specialise in numerous fields. The great thing about this industry is that it’s continuously changing and evolving, so you’ll never be bored.
Study Marketing and Mass Communications:
This is becoming a very popular field to study and for good reason, the job prospects are pretty good. If you want a bit of a safety net, through in some management papers throughout your degree and you’ll come out with a pretty well-rounded qualification that will open many doors. You can specialise in traditional marketing or you can focus on modern marketing, such as social media. This is a broad category, but marketing experts will always be in demand.
Study Engineering:
Many science degrees, such as Chemistry and Biology don’t open that many doors. You can go on to research or teach the subject and generally there’s not too much more outside that, unless you dip into the health sciences too – that’s not to discredit these degrees, the influence you can have on the scientific community is great, but job prospects do tend to be relatively limited. On the other hand, studying engineering opens up a wide range of doors. You can work in monitoring processes, in electrical engineering, or even chemical engineering. Engineers are really in demand at the moment and that’s not looking to slow down.
Your tertiary education will be one of the biggest investments you’ll make in your life, both in terms of how much you’ll spend and how long you’ll work towards your degree. Make sure to consider how practical it will be to get a job after you’ve finished your studies.