Cheshire based quartet Viola Beach and their manager Craig Tarry were all recently tragically involved in a car accident in the early...
“It’s a big departure from the 17-year-old girl with an acoustic guitar but it feels like the most honest music I’ve written.”-Back...
Okay, so combine Foals with Peace and maybe splash a bit of Two Door Cinema Club in there and you’ll probably end...
‘I just wanna fill rooms, stadiums, arenas, everything!’ … A year on from this ambitious lead singer, and Catfish and the Bottlemen...
Since the release of his first EP in 2013, James Bay has had substantial success, not just the UK, but universally. He...
The UK is renowned for its festivals. Every year we are welcomed to this season of monstrously muddy fields, loud music and...
The first time I saw Ben Howard, I was at the beach: waves in the background, surrounded by drunken surfers with the...