I’m not normally a restaurant critic kind of gal, largely because I am a) too poor to spend my life eating out...
Saturday, 10 am til 6 pm, I volunteered for the charity English PEN at Nine Worlds. What is Nine Worlds? A Geek convention. Am I...
I’ve just put down Jane Austen’s Mansfield Park and it has got me thinking. How can scenarios so seemingly removed from our daily...
Thursday night, I went to Kew the Music and spent the evening watching Paul Weller. I don’t know any Paul Weller songs,...
I think the question of “am I a feminist?” is something which crosses every female’s mind once you reach a certain age....
Hands up if you have watched the BBC adaptation of The Tudors? If your hand is raised, you need to purchase this book....
We have all been there: 8 am or 5 pm on any given day in London is not a pleasant time to...