Shakespeare once said that there’s nothing original under the sun, and it seems that 2012 is a year that’s filled with remakes,...
Here’s a difficult question for you: name one movie which was based on a video game franchise that was actually any good....
Relatives of director Tony Scott, including his brother Ridley, have gathered in Los Angeles this weekend for a private funeral service. Scott, who...
Since Toy Story wowed audiences in 1995, Pixar has gone from strength to unbelievable strength. On an almost annual basis they’ve released...
I have lost three grandparents and one great-grandparent in the course of my life – two of them to cancer. It was...
If a French person asks you what your favourite French movie is, don’t say Amélie. Not only is it an obvious choice, but...
Anyone remember Red Dawn? It’s not surprising if you don’t; it was one of those 80’s films that humanity has filed away, along...
Kathryn Bigelow’s 2008 film The Hurt Locker is widely regarded as one of the best war movies of recent years, and with good...
About five minutes after literotica phenomenon Fifty Shades of Grey hit the shelves, movie execs up and down the land were wringing their hands with...