The fairy tale adaptation has always been established as a source of inspiration for the filmmaker. Popularised by Walt Disney and his...
In news that will have Potter fans rejoicing, Warner Bros. Entertainment today announced an expanded creative partnership with author J.K Rowling- featuring...
Not a day goes by without some mention of Miley Cyrus within social media. Since displaying a rather provocative enthusiasm for the...
Look out girls, beauty just might be on its way to becoming a mans game. Away from the high street, designers have... has become the face of the social networking threat. After a string of tragic suicides relating to the site, most recently...
It was always going to be a question of ‘when’ not ‘if’ when it came to the rebooting of Batman. Seemingly the...
On July 14th 2013 unknown author Robert Galbraith was catapulted into the limelight. The writer of the well received crime debut ‘The...