ARTHUR’S GIFT November 26, 2013 ~ Edit The snow crunched underfoot, compacting solid to leave the ridges of footprints from each and...
Warning: Filled with spoilers for the whole of Catching Fire. When watching the film adaptation of a book you love, you’re filled...
If you have an eReader, or even if you just like to read eBooks on your computer or other Internet device, it...
Guillermo del Toro: Cabinet of Curiosities In keeping with the enveloping darkness associated with the late winter months, comes the arrival of...
“Marina” is another novel aimed at young readers, but appeals to readers of all ages. Once again Zafón has produced a book...
New books are always positively exciting. Finding, purchasing and then leisurely exploring, delight is a word synonymous for a self-confessed bibliophile looking...
Alice Kaplan’s “Dreaming in French” captures the lives of three American women who were renowned for their intelligence, strong-will and their significant...
If, like me, you were late to the whole Hunger Games craze, you probably came across the film first. I rather enjoyed...
There’s nothing worse than turning over the last page of a four-hundred page novel to feel dissatisfied with the ending. Maybe your...
I’ve been a huge fan of Lindsey Kelk since I read her first novel ‘I heart New York’, which is the first...