Sitting wondering why we have seats so near the front, we anxiously waited for Ms Joan Rivers to grace us with her presence. A treat was waiting, as Kit & McConnel entertained us as the warm up act – a bitchy flamboyant Victoria Wood style double act, Kit & McConnel were simply delightful, creating a warm and fun atmosphere for the Queen of comedy.
That should be her official title and a crown should come with that title. At 79 Joan Rivers had more energy than any younger comedian I have seen, even jumping on a piano and dramatically falling to the floor. Fiercely marching about the stage, no celebrities were safe, in fact no one was safe for example her hatred of old people was mentioned. Anyone else who would have the confidence to put these thoughts out there would be shot down for being mean but it works for Joan because she plays up to the joke.
Nothing was too taboo for Rivers to hit on. On only two occasions, have I witnessed a Glasgow stand up gig without any heckling, this was the second time. Rivers had the audience in the palm of her hand. The show was fast paced, energetic, quick witted and hilarious.
You forget that Rivers was one of the first women hosting late night shows and still remains one of the few, even interviewing celebrities on the red carpet. From ‘Can we talk?’ to ‘Who are you wearing?’ demeaning the ever so serious celebrities. Rivers currently has two shows Fashion Police and Joan & Melissa: Joan knows best, a new book out “I Hate Everyone … Starting with Me” and just finishing a UK tour. Did I mention this woman is 79! I’m kind of tired just thinking about it.
One of the few women pushing the boundaries, proving that women can do it and can CONTINUE to do it. There was never a dull moment in this show. Joan Rivers Queen of Comedy reigning forever and continuing to raise the bar for all comedians.