Raise your hand if you have ever spent your last £20 or £30 on clothes or shoes instead of anything that is actually deemed important. I know you can’t see this, but my hand is so high in the air that I high-fived a pigeon in the joy of agreement. When times are hard financially, I always close my eyes and think about what Carrie Bradshaw from Sex and the City once said: “When I had barely enough money for food, I used to buy VOGUE because I felt it fed me more.” Thank goodness that I’m not the only one!
But as 2013 has just popped by for tea and biscuits and plans on staying for a while, it’s time that we had a serious chat about the places to shop while money is tight. We have a solution thankfully and that solution is: Primark.
You could probably see it coming – because I did too whilst doing my fashion research, but this is Primark like you’ve never seen it before. Their vibe for Spring/Summer 2013 is Sport Luxe meets the 90’s Girl-Next-Door with a sprinkling of Sailor by the Sea, which ticks off plenty of boxes in the hypothetical ‘Fashion Dos’ list in my head. The big dogs like Stella McCartney, Marc Jacobs and Dior have incorporated these kinds of trends in their Spring/Summer 2013 collection – so you know for a fact that Primark have hit the nail on the head, metaphorically of course!
So here’s a sneak preview of their collection, which is heading into your local store as we speak: