Have you ever wanted to self-publish your very own ebook? It is so easy. After going through the process of publishing my own self-help ebook – Get a Grip- how to transform your life and take back control in 30 days or less, I learned a few secret tips that I would like to share with you.
Step One: Write your ebook
This is the most difficult part of the whole process. Many artists need that little nudge to get them started. Many authors say to themselves ‘I will get around to writing this’ or ‘I want to write a book about …’ Write your document in a .word document. Make sure there are no extra spaces or tab spaces anywhere. Don’t worry about numbering the pages. You can check whether or not your book will be readable on ereaders (http://validator.idpf.org/). This is important if you have pictures or anything other than .text. Some readers will you require to save your work in an .epub format. Again, there are loads of free websites out there to help you. Bookbaby requires a fee; however, if money is no object then this is the way to go. For $99 they will distribute your book for you. Beware of hidden costs. You may have to pay more for them to format it. I say if it’s free, it’s for me! Just make a list of all of the ereaders Bookbaby distributes to and you do it yourself. It will take some time, but it is worth not spending money. After all, the less you put out when writing a book the more money you make. (not that making money is all about the art of expression and story telling- I am just explaining the process from a business point of view).
Step Two: Upload your ebook
Upload your ebook to Smashwords (it’s free), Kindle Direct Publishing, and ITunes. There are loads of resources on line to help you with this process. http://bugleboypublishing.com/category/how-to-self-publish-2/ You do not need an ISBN number, you do not need to pay anything! Just upload your ebook on every website that is out there! Kindle Direct Publishing (you will have to sign up for both websites: Amazon.com, Amazon.co.uk), Smashwords, and ITunes are your major players. You can also create your own WordPress.Org website and sell directly through your paypal, sage or other payment service. You will make more of a profit this way as ALL players take a cut (often %30-%40), plus it will help you with the next step… marketing your ebook.
Step Three: Market your ebook
This process is just as difficult as putting the ebook together. Make sure you are on all major social networking websites such as Facebook, Twitter and LinkedIn. Join LinkedIn Groups to network with other people who are interested in your work and what you do. Create a website that not only has your work displayed, but also a little something about yourself. I would recommened a WordPress.Org blog. Just go for the upgrade! Make sure it’s a .org. If you have a regular .com WordPress blog you will NOT be able to upload plugins. And, plugins are very important. They are important because you can get plug ins to help you increase followers, upload video’s, etc. You can even try getting people to advertise on your WordPress blog. After all, every penny counts. If you continue to market your ebook by writing on your blog, networking with like minded people and depending on what your ebook is about giving talks, making YouTube videos you will be able to get that ebook to go viral. And, that is how you are going to be more profitable.
If you have any questions on how to self publish or would like to follow our blog click here: www.bugleboypublishing.com
We have self-published our very own children’s adventure book, Bud & Roo’s Spectacular Adventures- The Beach that is launching this morning at Waterstones in St. Albans, Hertfordshire where we live. There will treats for kids, colouring contest and book readings. It is going to be a busy morning because it’s Mothering Day weekend, St. Albans Film Festival and there will be another poetry reading there which will be really cool to see!
I will share with you next time how we self-published our own children’s adventure series within 4 months. We have already sold 400 copies and have just ordered 400 more books. Crazy! My partner is a really good saleswoman and I am the computer savvy person. We make a great team! And, as Bud & Roo would say ‘we make a great pair’! All for now and good luck with your ebook writing.
The only thing I stumped on at the moment is whether or not I should bring champagne to the launch!