The music video is an essential dimension to every creative artist and we wait for them to be shown on MTV as soon as a song is released. A visual forum to help their careers, catapulting them to a wider audience that has now taken a provocative twist. Male artists manage to keep their clothes on whilst the women can’t wait to strip to their bare bottomed minimum.
The female form is in my opinion the 8th wonder of the world; its curves to be explored, to be looked on in admiration and the journey to find it a bit of a mystery. However, this 8th wonder is now appearing to be the easiest to get to compared with the other seven thanks to Rihanna and more recently Miley Cyrus. As beautiful and talented as they are they have taken self-expression and exploration to a perplexing level.
Is there a preconceived notion that making sexual gestures for people of all ages to see totally inappropriate? Well I have given it some thought and I can’t help but get a really uneasy feeling about the whole thing. I watched Rihanna’s official video for Pour It Up with some friends all of whom had very different backgrounds; some were brought up with strict morals and others with more liberal beliefs yet after watching RiRi they all felt something was not quite right.
From the sweet and mysteriously sexy, ‘I wanna make you feel like I’m the only girl in the world’ to, ‘Strip clubs and dollar bills’, but that’s alright cos she still got her money? You make it sound so easy Rihanna and a lot of lost girls out there who think the attention you get could be all theirs if they simulate sex on the dance floor.
Justin Timberlake doesn’t feel the need to gyrate in his suit and tie and John Legend sits behind a piano tinkling the old ivories with hands that caress, hitting all the right notes without so much as a wink…classy. It’s true that if you haven’t walked in someone’s shoes you shouldn’t judge them and we all have very different sides; perhaps not everyone needs to see them.