It could be annoying listening an Argentinean with a big ego.
In a previous article (5 reasons why you should come to Buenos Aires) I talked about the porteños who are, most of all, Argentinean.
I may say that perhaps the rest of the world had never heard about them, but they consider themselves, in a particular way, the centre of the world. With no scientific reasons at all.
If you have the chance to talk to any of them, they may speak about Argentineans useful inventions like people identification by fingerprints, heart bypass, ball-point pen, tetra-Pack containers, and “alfajor” (a kind of pastry candy with caramel). Or they can say that they have the largest and widest avenue in the world, the beast meat, the best wine.
But if you think, there are Argentineans everywhere.
Think about football (soccer), and here comes the former player Diego Maradona and the current one Lionel Messi, besides others. Also, there is a list of athletes in tennis, basketball, hockey, rugby, Formula 1. There is an Argentinean inside the European Royalty: the princess Máxima Zorreguieta in Holland. There are musicians and actors from Argentina who gained worldwide fame too, like: pianist and conductor Daniel Barenboim, Broadway singer Elena Roger, Oscar winning director Juan José Campanella.
On the other hand, some famous people have chosen Argentineans to marry, like Matt Damon, Michael Buble, Robert Duvall, Gael García Bernal and Matt Groening.
After all that, Argentina sent a Pope to Rome.
In fact, not all the Argentineans are the same. You need to visit and live the experience of travelling in Argentina by yourself. I insist. Don´t cry for me.