Heading to university this year? Here are six tips on how to survive Freshers Week!
Buy textbooks –
Sure, textbooks can set you back a lot of money but they really are the full story behind the bullet point lectures you’ll be given. Use these textbooks and the recommended reading lists to your advantage and don’t just aim for 40%!
Use your student loan wisely –
Receiving three large installments throughout the year, usually over £1000 a time, can lead to the temptation to splash it about and indulge in things you probably shouldn’t. Just remember that it’s not your money and will have to be paid back one day and you really don’t need that awesome LEGO Batmobile.
Be on time for lectures-
Nothing beats the deflating feeling of walking into a lecture late with everyones’ eyes stalking you as you amble up the steps to a free seat. Your face goes red and you are somehow ten times more likely to trip during these 10 slow seconds before your bum touches chair. You might miss something important too.
Use Facebook to your advantage-
Before you go, search for relevant groups and societies you might want to get involved in. You can also find your housemates on Facebook beforehand and make a list of events you may want to attend during Freshers Week.
Meet new people-
You’ll meet all sorts of people at uni, from all different walks of life. You’ll hear accents you never knew existed and be told you have one too. Just be yourself and talk to as many different people as possible and make the most of the diverse melting pot university is.
Be prepared to dress up-
There’s all sorts of themed nights and events which include fancy dress as a requirement. Be creative and make your own as they can be expensive to buy and no one likes to reuse them for multiple occasions. Just stay away from the ‘black bin liner‘ outfit!
Based on the hilarious video below for six lessons on how NOT to survive Freshers Week!