How safe do you think you are on the Internet? How safe are your personal details when you are browsing the web? Safe? Secure? Well, maybe not as safe as you would have thought.
Cybercrime and stealing of someone’s personal details online is a lucrative business and affects millions of people every year across the world, resulting in a million dollar business for the hackers, and a world of pain for the hacked.
Did you know that hacking and cyber attacks rose by 113 percent last year? Being safe when browsing online and protecting your identity in today’s world is becoming an ever increasingly difficult, and important task.
Providing an interesting insight into the life of a hacker, Norton by Symantec have created a documentary titled ‘In search of the most dangerous town on the Internet’, produced by award-winning film director Sean Dunne, the film takes a look at the culture and lifestyle of a hacker, with interviews with some of the most notorious hackers in recent times.
Have a look at this preview of the documentary here:
So, who are some of the most recognisable and notable hackers featured in the documentary?
Iceman – Robert Butyka is a hacker who is known for infiltrating computers at NASA for more than two months, resulting in more than 500,000 dollars worth of damage being done.
Tinkode – A hacker by the name of Manole Razvan Cernaianu. Tinkode is a hacking pro who has hacked into the websites of global corporations such as Google, NASA, U.S. Army, and more.
Madalin – Tinkode’s business partner. Madalin has turned a life of hacking into a business and now works with IT companies and marketing firms.
Guccifer – A successful hacker who has accessed the personal email accounts of the likes of Hillary Clinton and Colin Powell, he was able to avoid capture from the F.B.I. for several years.
Putting a face to the faceless world of cybercrime, Norton uncover the life behind the hackers, and showcase just what drives someone to the world of cybercrime, bringing an interesting reality and human element to the threat that is all too real today, set in post-communist Romania in the town of Ramnicu Valcea.
Revealing their methods and reasons for hacking, the hackers and scammers just might surprise you a little with how and why they become involved in a life of crime online.
So, how safe do you feel on the Internet today?
Post sponsored by Norton, but all thoughts are our own.