It is getting more difficult to travel to a place on this planet that you haven’t seen on Instagram. Yet there are many places to go. People may think they have been everywhere, but it is impossible. There are steep roads high in the hills of Puerto Rico that are not on any travel itinerary. There are waterfalls that have yet to be photographed because maybe the trail is not frequented by the steady stream of tourists led by a guide. Safety is always an issue, but renting a car is an excellent way to explore a country and go to the special locations only locals know.
Use Tech to Help You Independent Travel
The internet is an independent traveler’s best friend before and during travel to anywhere. Finding out where you want to go and when, is easy on the internet. You can find the places less traveled and the times fewer people will be there. For example, Kiribati near Fiji where the water is so clear it is white from the pristine white sand underneath is a great unexplored island haven. Although cell phone usage may not be the easiest when you do go to remote places, using the internet beforehand to map out your stay is helpful. You can definitely use travel apps to help you get around most major cities in the world. Incorporating international cell phone use prices into your travel budget is essential. Getting lost can cost you more.
Renting a Car Gives You Room to Roam
We have freedom at home to go where we please because of our car. Renting a car while traveling can afford you the same luxury. In a place like Iceland, which is a relatively small island to visit, you can drive all over Iceland to get your own unique selfie moments. Renting a car in Iceland is easy with your driver’s license and credit card. Having a car helps reduce stress and gives you time to be a little more organised. Having a car in Iceland also lets you drive directly to places you want to go. You do not have to wait so much for other people in a group. One of the great things to do in Iceland is fly over the live volcano in Akureyri. Renting a car will help you get to the helicopter take-off point.
Pack Your Own Food for Hikes and Remote Travels
Food can be a very large expense when traveling. You can always plan to dine out every second or third day of travel, so you get a good hearty meal. All places you go have markets and grocery stores just like home where the locals have to buy stuff to eat. You can save some money from buying cheaper local foods from them. You can also pack things like nuts and protein bars in your suitcase instead of many changes of clothes. Always make sure you get clean drinking water from somewhere to stay hydrated. The emerald waters of Djibouti are virtually untouched by tourism. On the continent of Africa and a popular stable shipping area, Djibouti could be your next favourite destination. You can bring your snacks and a bathing suit. There are of course restaurants within a reasonable distance before you go exploring.
Independent travel has both great rewards and a few stresses. You definitely have to be a self-reliant person to be able to map out your own itinerary to travel. The more information and mapping you can do before you go, the better. You want to feel confident and have a great time. Always let be people know about where you are going so that if you need help, someone can find you. It is exciting to be different and fun, but when independent traveling, do not take unnecessary chances just to be different. Always be safe when traveling and have fun! No matter how you travel, you will get a photo unique to you. Independent travel is just a more likely opportunity for you to get a nature photo or experience photo that is incredible and unique.