If you are even passively involved in your company’s web marketing efforts, you will already know the importance of your landing page. The landing page is the first thing a site visitor sees when they click on a search result or external link. It is your one opportunity to convert your leads into lifelong customers, by getting them to follow the call-to-action (CTA) on your landing page.
However, although most people might try to create a successful landing page, few succeed. After all, how else would you explain the fact that a mere 9.7% of landing page visits result in a conversion? If you want to make the most of this vital asset, you’ll need some tips from the pros. Read on to find out how the most effective landing pages do it.
1. Keep It Clean
This one cannot be overstated. Your landing page should be free of mess, clean, and minimalist before it is anything else. Utilise blank spaces as much as possible so that your visitor only focuses on the CTA and the core information that matters. If you overstuff your page, visitors will leave. A good case in point here would be the Apple landing page, which features six sparsely populated boxes, despite the thousands of products the company offers.
2. Wear Your Achievements with Pride
In marketing, there is an exercise called trust signalling, which means using your credentials to demonstrate to potential customers that you are a safe, trustworthy, and reliable brand. A good example here would be Buzz Bingo, one of the top sites online bingo games in the UK. On their website, they list all of the industry awards the brand has received over the years, to demonstrate that it is a trustworthy leader in the field. This convinces site visitors that your brand is worth dealing with.
3. Don’t Ask Too Much
No matter what your CTA actually is, do not ask too much of your visitors. Your leads will probably spend about five seconds on your site, regardless of whether they want to engage or not. If your CTA is a sign-up or subscription form, keep it short and sweet and do not expect a lot of effort. For example, eBay allows anyone to create an account from their landing page simply by entering their email address and creating a password once. The less effort, the better.
4. Cut to the Chase
As you have probably noticed, the core message here is simplicity. This also means that it is important to not fixate on branding too much and to remember to include the information that customers actually want to see. For most people, this is prices. If you hide your pricing, customers will be deterred and they will not come back. Take a look at the landing page for FabFitFun, a leading lifestyle brand. You’ll see that all of their price plans are laid out in crystal clear detail right from the outset. Respect your customers and do not hide important facts from them.
By following these actionable tips, you can create a winning landing page that ensures you never bounce again.