Despite it’s very serious themes of segregation, extreme racism and discrimination, Stockett’s very first novel has proved to be a strangely humorous...
The problem with Andrew Simms’ book is this: he never once justifies the title. Tescopoly devotes its tiny wrath to kneecapping the...
Admittedly, the title is somewhat suggestive of Christian Grey at a cocktail party. I am sorry to disappoint all the 50 Shades fans...
For a first time theatre goer, I really wasn’t sure what to expect of the Spire, a play about the origins of...
We all have a fashionista on our gifts list. But sometimes it’s tricky to buy a piece of clothing or an accessory,...
This autobiography deeply moved me by the emotions and personal connection it included. Set in Deep South we are given a detailed memoir of...
I fluffed up the cushions on the couch, made a cup of nuclear-strong tea, and settled down with my new novel. The...
Random House have wasted no time in converting Dawkin’s The Magic of Reality (released September 2011 in the UK) into an iTunes app. The...
“Innovative in style, its humour by turns punchy and tender, Oranges Are Not The Only Fruit is a few days ride into...
If I had to summarise this book in a few words, I’d describe it like this – last words, first relationships, crushes,...