What I will say is the hype with this trilogy is to be believed. With most novels I’m pretty late to the party, I watched and read the Twilight series after most people, when all four books were available.
Many of my friends kept saying I should have read The Hunger Games before the first film came out, that so didn’t happen. Earlier this year I bought the first book in the trilogy and I have only recently devoured it. It was a compelling, fascinating and intriguing read like nothing I have ever read before. I ate, slept and lived The Hunger Games, before I finished the end of book one I had to get books two and three so the story would continue. I know that when I get to the end of the very last book I will be depressed and a little lost.
Having now read parts one and two of Katniss and Peeta’s amazing story I’m hooked and I’ve even given myself some breathing space before I read the final chapter, the thought of ending this series makes me feel oh so sad.
I will be well and truly lost once this rollercoaster ride is over, it’s had me so captivated. When I reached the end of book one I grabbed book two and quite quickly read the first few chapters. These books could be read as standalones as they are explained so well, but you won’t be able to just read one or two as you’ll be begging for more just like I was. It’s funny a book that I wasn’t convinced I’d like turns into one of my favourite reads. I have lent books one and two to my best friends and I would definitely recommend to anyone and everyone looking for a new series to get stuck into.
After reading the first novel I watched the film. I enjoyed the film; there were a few bits that I wasn’t expecting but it was very well done. I cannot wait for the next two films either… although I still to this day haven’t got round to book three I don’t want to say goodbye to Katniss and Peeta, well not just yet anyway.