What I will say is the hype with this trilogy is to be believed. With most novels I’m pretty late to the...
Each and every one of us has a dream whether it be a career or a lifestyle. None of us should be...
Compelling, intense, passionate, physical, sexual and paranormal that is how I would describe Slave To Sensation. The story brings two unlikely lovers...
Is it time for the FA to call it a day with pre-match handshakes? Now if you are bemused by my post...
Rejection, rejection, rejection…How are any of us ever to improve without any constructive criticism. Being rejected is a cold and harsh reality...
Dirty Dancing is one of my all time favourite girlie movies, so when it was announced as a musical I wasn’t sure...
The more I hear Boris’s boring voice on the tannoy announcement at train stations, the more I dread the London 2012...
When the last ever episode of One Tree Hill aired in the UK, it is fair to say I was extremely emotional...