Actors and writers have one thing in common; once they have realised their dream they do not let go. This life we lead can be one of solitude and brings about long periods where we disconnect with the outside world in search of words to write and project through speech; in truth, the only thing we cannot do without is each other. What binds these two minds is respect and trust; respect for the authors words by the actor and the trust a writer has for the actor to convey their vision.
Writing is an authors’ legacy, it is what remains after they have long gone. If only Shakespeare knew how much his plays would impact people today? Audiences still flock to see performances that capture the imagination and even though the language is not of our time we are by some level of human understanding able to work out the story and follow each scene with ease. For this I am sure William would like to thank the talented actors who give his complex characters the justice they deserve.
So you think it is just a case of reading and learning the lines? When you step into character you become a different individual and there can be no room for compromise or cutting corners with each performance; there must be a sincere delivery and certainly no room for error. Actors jump into a literary pool of words that challenge them and their relentless pursuit of ‘getting it right’ needs to be observed by other professionals who cannot give 100%… perhaps there is a reason.
They will even undertake the smallest part much the same a writer who has been asked to write a short quote with a desire that is so powerful, a will that never wains and a passion for creativity which means you do not say no and you do not quit no matter how difficult the journey. There is an element of luck involved with both professions too, for instance Joe Pesci who after making a low budget film returned to work in his restaurant. What he could not have known is that Martin Scorcese saw the film and was so impressed by his performance that he called him and offered him a part in Raging Bull an iconic piece of cinematic genius that landed him a nomination for best supporting actor at the Academy Awards… the rest is history.
We all hope for the break that will catapult us into the literary and acting hemisphere but we are fully aware that luck may not fall at our feet and do not rely on it. We are however, a philosophical and hard working bunch who like sponges absorb everything around us and draw on these examples to help us become more rounded artists. There will be roles played that sit uncomfortably with the viewing public, there will be articles written that will start passionate and sometimes argumentative debates in every household. We do not set out to cause upset but if feelings and thoughts are provoked then we have captivated our audience.