Set yourself goals and develop an action plan. Don’t make unrealistic goals like: ‘Get up at 5am and apply for 45 jobs in 1 day.’ You’ll just make yourself miserable. Think more along the lines of: ‘Research 1 job field, read the descriptions carefully and apply for 2 or 3 that you are suitable for.’
Try to be flexible about the job type and location. For example, it’s unlikely that you’re going to become an A-list Hollywood actor in Huddersfield. So, until you get a working visa to the States, contact small independent film companies in your area and inquire about working as an Extra.
Follow your enthusiasms and take up a new hobby. I’ve always been obsessed with clothes and magazines since I was very young so creating my own fashion blog was exciting for me. It not only makes a brilliant hobby, it also showcases my writing abilities to potential employers and shows that I’m passionate about something.
Take exercise, eat healthily and get some sleep. A walk, even if it’s a short one, will do wonders for clearing your head. Slobbing about in sweatpants and eating ravioli from the tin isn’t going to make you feel fantastic. Plus, you’re going to need a good night’s sleep to have energy for applying for jobs the next day.
Develop a support network of family and friends. They can check on your progress, give you advice and even keep an eye out for jobs. Never underestimate the importance of contacts- that includes people who are close to you!
Do voluntary work to build your CV. You might think it’s about working for a charity, or fundraising for a good cause, but it also includes spending a couple of weeks in a law firm or a primary school, in order to learn about what goes on while making yourself useful. It could be one day a week, a block of time, or just a one-day event like beach cleaning or marshalling for a charity bike ride. A particular benefit is that employers see you as motivated because you are choosing to use your spare time constructively.
Start a course. It doesn’t have to be career-orientated- think of what you’re interested in and check local colleges to see if they offer them. A course will keep you busy while your job hunting, develop your skills and it’s a chance to meet new people (think of the contacts!).
Develop your skills. Can’t drive? Consider learning if you have the savings to fund lessons. You’ll be able to widen your job search and it’s another very useful skill to add to the CV. As would learning a new language!
Make your CV/application forms top quality. You’ve got loads of spare time while you’re job hunting- there is no excuse for a shoddy CV. Check spellings, proofread like crazy, play around with the layout- you know the drill by now!
Stay POSITIVE: job hunting is a series of no’s followed by a YES!