Every year a new gadget hits the tech market, whether it’s a new iPhone, a tablet or even something as innovative as the Google Glass. However, keeping up with the latest gadgets can be hard, not to mention expensive.
If you really want that must have gadget, but can’t quite make your pay stretch that far this month don’t worry as some companies offer short term loans that can help you get it right now.
cashwindow.co.uk is quick, safe and easy, and with the money put straight into your bank (or picked up from a local store) it means you can purchase your gadget as soon as it’s released. You can even tot up your bank account on the go by using your mobile – perfect for people with busy lives.
Gadgets aren’t just about portable devices and smartphones though. If you’re a home owner it might be worth looking into Nest. Created by former Apple employees this is a rather clever thermostat. In the same way that you can now set your sky box to record your favourite programme from your phones, next allows you to ensure your thermostat is on (or off) in the same way.
No more walking in from the rain and finding your house is freezing because you forget to set the heating, or finding your house is sweltering because your heating was on and we’ve had an unexpected heat wave. If it starts to warm up you can tap a few things into your phone and turn off your heating. What’s more it also remembers your heating habits, so if the weather stays as it should be you’ll automatically have the atmosphere you wanted.
This device is set to keep you warm in the cold winters and even cut your heating bill in half – what could be better. Nest is expected to be released in the UK later this year, but as usual is already fully functioning in the US. If you want to know more about it and when it will be released keep an eye on techradar.com for up to date news.