Having laughed hysterically at 21 Jump Street, I had no worries that 22 Jump Street wouldn’t do the same.
Channing Tatum’s aesthetic beauty and Jonah Hill’s comedic genius doesn’t fail to disappoint. With hilarious call backs to the first film, the juxtaposition of the strong and handsome Jenko (Tatum) and the sensitive, plump Schmit (Hill) and, of course, Ice Cube’s hilarious scenes, all make a very, very funny watch.
It takes the mick out of itself at every corner especially out of the narrative, mainly, because of it’s obvious story and outcome.
A perfect watch for young adults and teens. 22 might be bit to far away from its original roots for fans of the 21 Jump Street series to follow and enjoy but then I suggest 21 as a definite watch for them to get them on this hilarious and very enjoyable band wagon.
5/5 Stars