American-German war drama flick based on Markus Zusak’s critically acclaimed novel ‘The Book Thief’, this film is engaging, enchanting and fundamentally heart-warming....
Whatever your view Valentine’s Day, if you’re in a relationship it’s likely you’ll be doing something special come Friday 14th. But what’s...
A rip-roaring ice-infested fairytale based on Hans Christian Anderson’s ‘The Snow Queen’, ‘Frozen’ is Disney’s latest addition to their family-friendly films. Set...
At the end of last month, London’s Mayor Boris Johnson presented a speech promoting the positive value of greed combined with intelligence....
With instant communication physically within our reach, relationships are arguably harder than ever to maintain in modern society. Romantic relationships in particular...
At the age of 21, Tim Lake (Domhall Gleeson) discovers he can time travel- and so can every male member of his...
Just about everyone’s seen that infamous VMA video clip. In fact, Miley Cyrus’ twerk-heavy performance at this year’s VMA award ceremony has...
Last week the human and animal and human worlds stood still in unison as two young boys were killed by a 100-pound...
The UK, the rest of the Commonwealth and let’s face it, the world, has stood still over the last few days. As...
In 2001 a film was released by Disney and Pixar that would rapidly become one of the most successful films the two...