Over the years there have been many iconic models – Twiggy, Kate, Naomi, so iconic in fact that most people will know who they are without the need for their surnames’. For the past few years we’ve seen little in the way of new faces as it were but recently there has been an explosion and a new wave of supermodels have been born.
While reading the latest issue of Vogue the other day I noticed rather quickly that one model featured in three, almost back to back adverts, the model in question was Cara Delevingne. I’m a big lover of her look and feel she shows how to pull off big, strong brows successfully, however I did start to question why her look is so popular and in demand after all there are many other beautiful models.
To be honest after much deliberation I still can’t place my finger on it, she certainly has a unique, striking beauty which strikes a chord with not only fashion designers but the press and the general public, she is photographed as much on nights out with many celebrities as she is for adverts and it is clear to see she shifts copies of anything she is pictured in. Models always have beauty and that ‘look’ that everyone aspires and lusts over but Cara seems to have a brilliant personality too. I watched a series of video interviews she did with British Vogue magazine after her first cover for the publication in March of this year, she was so down to Earth and likeable you couldn’t help but be engrossed in what she was saying and consequently look forward to the next instalment. Her crazy face pulling in many pictures and casual look of beanies, trainers and jeans breaks that ‘perfect’ look models usually have but she still manages to look stunning when the occasion arises.
Another model who is making waves along with Cara is Jourdan Dunn. She first came to my attention during last year’s Olympic closing ceremony when there was a section celebrating the British fashion brands in the most fabulous dresses from the likes of Vivienne Westwood, Victoria Beckham and Alexander McQueen. With Dunn wearing a Jonathan Saunders dress she walked with some of this country’s best models (Kate Moss, Naomi Campbell and Stella Tennant amongst others) and has since rocketed in popularity, fronting a YouTube cooking show and like Cara has a fantastic, likable personality.
The new supermodels are bringing back personality to the industry, with their increased exposure in interviews and the media we are not just seeing them as a person on a page any more – we are learning more and more about who they are.