With the summer gone, it’s time to get your party dresses on for those autumn parties and Christmas functions. Buyers may find...
It is the job that every secondary school student dreads. Turning up at an unknown workplace and being intimidated by the ‘big...
Studs have gone from something only to be seen in Camden Town to a trend appearing in every high street store in...
The spring season is upon us, and that calls for a search through this month’s best beauty products, all affordable, and all...
On my most recent browse through the high street stores I found myself warped into the world of stripy fashion. They were...
Scarfs, hats, gloves,boots, wellies, red noses and freezing feet. Winter doesn’t appear to be the most glamorous of all the seasons. However,...
Katy Perry, Rihanna, Perrie Edwards, Lady Gaga and Kelly Osbourne are all celebs who have put their stamp on hair colour. They...
As London Fashion Week looms, my anger turns to the world of fashion and the tedious obsession that is centered around size...
Knitwear has surfaced in a big way this season. And no, I am not referring to the slumpy bleak cardigans that your...